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Cryptocurrency in Everyday Shopping

Have you looked into blockchain? We’re referring to making payments with your cryptos, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and others, rather than having to pay hundreds, millions, or even billions of dollars in cash. Yes, banks offer to transmit your money online, so you don’t have to pay in cash, but do you realize how frequently the cryptocurrency market overshadows traditional institutions as a payment option? As Ethereum price, Bitcoin price, BNB price, and some other cryptocurrencies keep being sources of wealth for many individuals, indeed, more funds lately are in the crypto forms. Swiss Made Direct is proud to be one of the first e-commerce stores in this niche to provide cryptocurrency as an option for payment to buy their products, seeing this medium of payment as a future in shopping. Here are some quick facts to consider when it comes to using cryptocurrency in everyday shopping.



Cryptocurrency in everyday shopping provides an alternative to dealing with banks’ server difficulties. Of course, you don’t want to be stressed about making payments when on vacation or shopping for groceries. Transactions on the blockchain can be incredibly fast, with low transaction costs compared to the amount transferred. Blockchain transactions do not necessitate the usage of a bank account. To transmit or receive money, all that is required is that the user is connected to the Internet and has a linked address on the cryptocurrency’s blockchain.

Keeping your money in a bank or other traditional institution can result in account management costs. Making overseas payments or transfers can be quite inconvenient, as it involves days of waiting for delivery and, in many cases, exorbitant fees. Cryptocurrency can be a perfect alternative for that. Only the receiver’s wallet requires a reasonable gas fee to make payment quickly and easily without waiting days like bank processes or being questioned due to regulatory rules and formalities of banks attached specific amounts that raise the alarm.


Because Bitcoin may be transacted on your phone, it is unnecessary to have a computer or high-tech gadget to use cryptocurrency calculators like the Ethereum calculator. The price of a cryptocurrency is calculated by converting the unconverted price directly from cryptocurrency exchanges into US dollars or another available currency (BTC, ETH, EOS). Every 8 seconds, the estimated data is updated. Furthermore, with many adoptions coming for Bitcoin at various levels, crypto debit cards that allow you to spend your cryptocurrency at any establishment that takes Visa or Mastercard by quickly converting crypto in your account to dollars are now surfacing more than before. As Bitcoin’s technology and name awareness have improved, the number of places that accept it has grown. Bitcoin may be used to purchase a surprising variety of items, including food, clothes, gadgets, etc.

This ensures that cryptocurrency in everyday shopping can be used to make payments in the same way that cash can.


Do you know that transactions done on the blockchain can’t be altered, and it’s too obvious to be lied about? Why is blockchain a digital ledger that offers decentralized data stored and recorded for public access? It also holds businesses and charities accountable for where their money is coming from or where the money on the digital vault is being directed. No name is attached due to the privacy that blockchain offers, but each address can be assessed and questioned. Imagine the bank systems that deduct several fees on funds in an account minute times without clear messages or even convincing reasons for the deductions causing unexpected reduction on funds in the account, now operate on a blockchain.



Making bank transfers using bank account numbers in the process of payments or saving to another bank account may have a disadvantage. It may result in transferring to another account with errors in the digits typed, especially if you are unaware of the bank account name. Sending cryptocurrency from your wallet carries comparable dangers if the receiver’s wallet address is incorrectly entered or replaced, which could result in significant losses. Is it possible that your cryptocurrencies have vanished without a trace?

Remember that blockchain provides you complete control over your finances through decentralization; yet, because cryptocurrency protocols are irreversible, transactions cannot be canceled or reversed once they have been launched. In this case, all that is required is to contact the recipient and request their assistance in returning the monies. However, you’ll never have such problems in online shopping, as shopping websites that accept crypto, including Swiss Made Direct, provide their customers an excellent service no matter what way of payment you prefer. Some exchanges, such as Binance.US, offer a service desk option to recover your cryptos if they were transferred to the wrong address, preferably an account on the exchange, for a fee, similar to some bank activities. To be on the safety net, as you embark on buying cryptocurrency or you already have some, take a thorough check on receiving addresses to prevent loss of funds or cryptos bottlenecks.

With the future that cryptocurrency promises, Swiss Made Direct is proud to be one of the pioneers in the industry of shopping to implement crypto as a payment option. Besides Bitcoin and Ethereum, we also accept Dogecoin, Litecoin, and many other. If Elon Musk decided to accept it – why wouldn’t we? 🙂

And you know what’s best? This is only a start!

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