Logo of Swiss Made Direct: A red shopping bag with a white cross next to the text "Swiss Made Direct." Simple and clear.

Payment options

The currency for purchasing products on our website happens through the US dollar. For all orders you can choose from the following methods of payment:

Credit card

We accept all major credit cards and the processing will take place via WireCard.  All credit card data gets directly processed by Paypal and/or Stripe over a SSL-encrypted connection (256 bits). Hence, we have no access to your credit card information. PayPal Secure PayPal account over a SSL-encrypted connection (256 bits). Therefore, we have no access to your PayPal information. Additional shipping costs can only paid via bank Transfer or PayPal.

Bank transfer

If you want or need  to pay your order via Bank Transfer, you can do so with the NOTE of your order-number. Additional shipping costs can only paid via bank Transfer or PayPal. After you have placed your order, please pay it into our Swiss bank account below.  And please note that we cannot deliver your order until payment is released.
Account no. 2051.0431.2001
Luzerner Kantonalbank AG Pilatusstrasse 12 Postfach CH-6002 Lucerne Switzerland IBAN: CH1800778205104312001 Clearing: 00778 International SWIFT/BlC Nr.: LUKBCH2260A Beneficiary: SWISSMADE Trading Ltd., CH-6014 Lucerne

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