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Swiss German Dictionary

Swiss German Dictionary is perfect inexpensive gift for your guests, customers, or friends, so that they can immediately feel at home in Switzerland.

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Product Details

Weight 0.230 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm


Swiss German Dictionary

Swiss German Dictionary contains 64 pages translated into German and English. It’s a perfect inexpensive gift for your guests, customers, or friends so that they can immediately feel at home in Switzerland. Moreover, this book is ideal for all who want to move or visit the German-speaking part of Switzerland and wish to understand better the dialect spoken in the Swiss-German area.

What is “chuchichäschtli”?

A word on the cover – Chuchichäschtli

Looking closely at the word, you will probably notice relatively quickly that Chuchichäschtli is a compound word. The Chuchichäschtli is made up of Chuchi and Chäschtli. You certainly don’t have to explain to anyone what it is about in German-speaking Switzerland, but if you don’t speak Swiss German, you will probably have some questions.

The correct translations of the two terms into standard German are kitchen and box. The Swiss like the diminutive, so we say little box and don’t talk about the box or cupboard.

Therefore, Chuchichäschtli is a small kitchen cupboard. 🙂

A famous Swiss comedian, Marco Rima, gave such a lovely tribute to this word in this music video:

Quite a difference…

You have probably heard before that people speak German in Switzerland. That’s a common misconception! They speak Swiss German, an entirely different language than German. In addition, Swiss German has its own pronunciation, many different words, and unique grammar (which you can all learn in the Swiss-German Dictionary). Moreover, many Germans have a hard time understanding this language!

The German-speaking Swiss write standard German, that’s true—there is no official Swiss German language; however, they use the dialect when writing e-mails, some literature, etc.

On the other hand, the Swiss can also speak standard German very well. But, they consider it a foreign language and need to learn how to use it in school.

A quick guide

Gain the skills to understand and speak one of Europe’s most not understandable languages! In this Swiss German dictionary, you can learn some most common words, special expressions, and even how to impress a Swiss! We hope you find this guide useful in Switzerland or have fun learning a new language! If you want to learn more about Swiss people than just their language, make sure to visit our blog, Swiss People – What You Should Know About Us.


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