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What is Ruby Chocolate? – a New Sensation in the Chocolate World?

According to chocolatier Barry Callebaut, ruby chocolate’s original maker and inventor, this pink creation is the “biggest innovation in chocolate in the last 80 years!” That’s quite a statement. He also said that chocolate is a “true gift from nature” with no artificial ingredients necessary for its magnificent pink color.

So, what is ruby chocolate made of? Many chocolate lovers and industry experts already call it the “fourth type of chocolate”, although there is still no consensus about this matter. The first three are milk chocolate, white chocolate, and dark chocolate. However, it indeed looks like a gift of nature since it fascinates with its color and taste.  In fact, Nestlé was the first company to sell it, launching with Ruby Kit Kat. But what might interest you the most is how this stunning new type of chocolate is made.


How do inventors make ruby chocolate?

First, you should know that the exact method of making the ruby pink chocolate is still a guarded secret. The only thing we know is a 2009 document that says the key is to minimize fermentation to three days or less and treat the product with acid. Also, they are using petroleum ether to remove fatty acids. Chocolate makers also suggest having super high sugar levels as unfermented cocoa beans are particularly bitter.

The official information is that ruby chocolate sees the world through drying and fermenting the cacao tree beans until they become edible. The next thing that comes is heating the cocoa beans into the liquid to separate cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Afterward, these two parts are mixed back together to create chocolate. Citric acid is added to give the pink chocolate its distinct taste. Of course, just like milk chocolate and white chocolate, our version also has dairy milk powder and sugar.

What Does Ruby Chocolate Taste Like?

Ruby chocolate tastes tart yet sweet and fruity with a rich texture different from dark, milk, or white chocolate. 

A company spokesperson describes it as having a “fruitiness and luscious smoothness.” A taste test on Business Insider described it as “really tart, with a smoother aftertaste.” The reviewer “couldn’t believe there were no berries in [it] because the berry flavor was really present.”

This is because ruby chocolate tastes like citric acid, naturally occurring in various fruits such as sour cherries.


Where do ruby cocoa beans grow?

Let’s return to the discovery for a bit. The official story is the cocoa experts at Swiss brand Barry Callebaut discovered the ruby color and fruity taste of chocolate by pure chance. But, it was not enough – they needed ten more years to perfect the recipe and make it stunningly tasty. According to them, the ruby cocoa bean is essential for the intense, fruity taste and color of ruby chocolate.

So, where does Ruby chocolate come from? These beautiful red beans grow in common cocoa areas—Brazil, Ecuador, and Ivory Coast. Afterward, natural processing without colorings and fruit flavorings happens in Switzerland. For example, Wernli uses ruby chocolate with at least 42% cocoa content.

Wernli Choco Petit Beurre Ruby

Fritz Wernli was the inventor of the Choco Petit Beurre biscuits back in 1964. It is a classic Swiss snack with a piece of bread and a row of chocolate. And last year, Wernli launched the new “Wernli Choco Petit Beurre Ruby.” It is a mixture of classic products and recent innovations in the chocolate world. Just a thin slab of ruby chocolate makes so much difference. Hence, it plays a massive role in a completely new variation of biscuits. It’s definitely worth giving it a try!

Ruby chocolate represents a revolution in the world of sweets. Although experts still debate its classification, we can say that it is definitely an entirely new variation of chocolate. Kit Kat ruby bars have already been a massive success in Asia and are popular in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

Of course, there are also many other fantastic Swiss chocolates if you are not a big lover of trying new things. Check out our huge range of Swiss-made chocolates and find the variation you prefer!

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