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How to Write Better and Meet the World of Artistic Writing and Drawing / Caran d’Ache Cult Pens

How to write better? Maybe you have heard the metaphorical sentence that the word is the body. This sentence implies that the words you say are not something momentary and just random. They mean something much more significant. Anything you do, your written or spoken words mostly tell about who you are. And probably they can substantially reveal your secret. A secret that makes you different, different because of your unique perception.
Likewise, all the pictures in your head which you manifest on paper as drawings, represent your individual opinion.

In the spirit of this, Maison Caran d’ Ache in one artistic way observes the significance of the written word and painted picture. They create cult pens to help artistic writing and drawing. And among many famous pen brands, Caran d’Ache stands out because it creates small works of art in the form of a pen. They create various drawing and writing tools with amazing design. All of them are here to inspire you to honestly think about how to write better or draw better. And, If you are not already there, these artistic cult pens will introduce you to the art of writing and drawing.


Write better with Caran d’Ache

Caran d’Ache was the pseudonym of the 19th-century French satirist and political cartoonist Emmanuel Poiré. He called himself in this way because these words in Turkish mean black stone. And the black stone is the origin of the graphite. Hence, this company is named after this artist, whose life greatly had a meaning exactly through writing and drawing.

Right from its founding, all the creative spirits of this company with great passion started making a vast assortment of drawing and writing tools. To help artistic writing and drawing, and to give an inspirational answer to the question how to write better or draw, they knew their story must be about creating cult pens. Pens which will always represent artistic crafts, unique beauty, but also technical perfection and reliability.

Aesthetic pleasure of Swiss cult pens / A touch of Individuality


Caran d’Ache exceptional drawing and writing tools are the results of technical excellence and quality. In a relation to this, they represent the spirit of innovation in both technical way and design. And all of this comes from the Swiss tradition of the fine craftsmanship. Because of the finest materials and Swiss quality, these cult pens are now one of the world’s most sophisticated instruments.
Many of these cult pens that we proudly present are the pieces of a deluxe limited edition. And each of these unique pieces is a symbol of taste and high style. It is true that some of them have traveled into space aboard the Discovery shuttle.

See these beautiful pieces, and in one look you will find out why they are one of the best to help your artistic writing or drawing. In other words, they will leave you breathless! Their elegance, quality, and colors are the reasons why they are exceptional and personalized gifts to inspire.

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