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A Complete Vegan Meal Plan and Sample Menu

A plant-based or vegan meal plan has been linked with having numerous benefits. People who primarily consume a lot of vegan food witness a healthier immune system, improved weight management, and many other benefits. Besides offering multiple health benefits, a plant-based diet also helps to sustain the natural environment in some direct and indirect ways. If your goal is to eat better, become healthier, and to make the world a better place, you may achieve that goal by moving towards complete plant-based foods.

Although finding a balanced and healthy meal on a vegan diet can often be stressful and overwhelming. And this is why often health-conscious persons take help from professionals. If you plan the menu improperly and follow the rules blindly, you may end up doing more harm to your body than gaining anything. Don’t get scared if you do not know how you can make a vegan diet plan. We are here to help. This article provides a healthy vegan meal plan and sample menu to get you started. Give these recipes a try today.

Breakfast with Oatmeal

Let’s start with the most important meal of the day “Breakfast.” What you need here is a boost! You have to eat something that will offer you the best nutrition to make sure you have enough juice on your stomach even if you miss a little snack time between breakfast and lunch. Oats are the easiest to make breakfast. Add some vegetable milk and fruit slices or nuts to make it more energetic. To increase the protein consumption & to make it more satiating, add vegan protein powder, directly pouring it into the mixture.


If you think you do not have much time to prepare oatmeal or your mood is not for going through any complicated process, you have other easy options. What is it? Well, you may mix soy yogurt with a wholemeal toast. Use some avocado or virgin olive oil. You can further have some blueberries, a slice of apples, rice, or oat milk. But, we would insist on avoiding soya in a vegan meal plan. The reason is it is hard to digest. Furthermore, more than 80% of the worlds’ soya comes from GM.


Let’s talk about the main course now! Up for another round of cereal? I hope you are not! Because there is plenty of vegan menu for lunch, you can choose from. The best way to compliment a delicious lunch is by having Venus rice with steamed edamame, zucchini, and sesame. There are plenty of other choices you can opt-in for.

For instance, you can have baked tofu with sautéed red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and herbed couscous. Or you can have a black bean veggie burger combined with steamed broccoli & sweet potato slices. As we said, there is a hefty choice out there. Be creative, and find out what suits your vegan meal plan best.



After spending hours outside on the job, it would be natural you will crave for some relaxing time once you get back home. And this tendency will ultimately push you to order food from our side or have some ready-to-eat dishes.

However, both are not good for your health and, of course, not for your dietary plan. We recommend you to go with bean salad with black-eyed peas and other veggies like tomatoes, corn, and onions. If you are really in a hurry, you can cook a whole-wheat pasta combined with sun-dried tomatoes, olives & parsley.

The bottom line

There are plenty of choices out there for you if you want to go 100% vegan meal plan. Sure it is not so easy to give up animal foods on the first day. However, the practice and determination will help you to overcome the needs of non-veg foods. And ultimately, the transition will help yourself. So what do you think? Are you up for the challenge?

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