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Caotina Brand Overview

Caotina brand offers superior chocolate and is known for its premium quality and delicious taste. The brand is well known around the continent of Europe, as well as spreading its wings throughout the globe. Today, Caotina has many loyal followers, and the numbers are growing incredibly.

Chocolate is best for parties, celebrations, or whenever you feel like having some chocolate drink! You can blend and use Caotina chocolate powder to prepare cold and hot chocolate drinks. Furthermore, if you want to make the milk tastier, so your kids drink it without all those dramas, mix it with Caotina chocolate and be ready to see the magic!

The brand was established in 1963 in one of Switzerland’s most recognized landmarks, the Alps. And this was the year when they came up with the idea of making the Caotina chocolate powder. The true reason behind the development was to offer a drink that cares for your body. It comes with 7% of the best Swiss chocolate and is gently combined with 19% low-fat cocoa powder.

The brand brings you a perfectly balanced blend of superior ingredients. Combined with a delicate powder that quickly dissolves in hot or cold milk. You will revel in the unique symphony of flavors that is Caotina!

Order Now

At Swissmade Direct, we have a vast collection of Caotina Chocolate Powder in our inventory. Please browse through our product page and order the best product for your need.

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