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Assugrin Brand Overview

Sugar is an integral part of our life. However, consumption beyond the limit is not a good idea for health. But, the problem is sugar is an element that is used almost everywhere. This is why it is always a tough challenge to ignore sugar. This significantly increases the health risk. However, researchers always looked out for ways to nullify the risk of sugar by introducing alternative sweeteners. This effort paid off in 1937. During this year, two American chemists discovered a Cyclamate sugar substitute after decades of hard work. And once cyclamate consumption was declared safe, the well-known Hermes Company announced their new product, Assugrin, in 1954.

Swiss Assugrin History

Since its inception, the brand has placed quite many resources in offering more specific products to its customer base. In fact, In 1987, lemon and orange flavor varieties were introduced to make the low-calorie soft drink Assugrin Exquisit. Later, in 1990 the brand also launched Assugrin Aktiv, a unique soft drink known for its reduced calories. In 1995 Hermes Sweeteners Ltd came forward with Assugrin Light blended sweetener, which is still today regarded as one of the special diet foods.

Today, the sweetener brand Swiss Assugrin is being sold in more than 100 countries worldwide. They are one of the staple ingredients for those who care for their health and diet. The brand today is counted as one of the world leaders in producing high-quality sweeteners producer. And we are glad to have them beside us. At Swissmade Direct, our goal is to offer our clientele the best Swiss products that provide exceptional benefits. If you want to improve your lifestyle with Swiss-made products, you are in the right place. Explore a wide range of Swiss work at your convenience.

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