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Kambly Is a New Licensee for the Swiss Military Brand

The Federal Office of Armament Armasuisse has signed the company Kambly SA as a new licensee for the Swiss Military brand.

Kambly SA manufactures the Military Biscuit supplied to the Swiss Armed Forces. They are now marketing it in a new presentation for the civilian trade under the Swiss Military brand, according to the Federal Office of Armaments Armasuisse.

In doing so, Armasuisse is continuing to implement the commercialization of Swiss Army brands, which has been called for by parliament since 2012, they added.

Exclusive license agreement

The Swiss family-owned company Kambly SA, based in Trubschachen BE, has been supplying the Swiss Army with traditional military cookies for many years. With the approval of Armasuisse, Kambly SA has also been supplying the civilian trade with these cookies in a different presentation from the official army packaging without a license for many years.

The exclusive license agreement that Armasuisse has now concluded with Kambly SA regulates the framework for the production and distribution of the “Military Biscuit” on the civilian market in Switzerland under the Swiss Military brand. The revenues from the license fees would flow into the federal treasury.

Swiss Military Brand

This exclusive partnership between Armasuisse and Kambly SA ensures the continuation of a cherished Swiss tradition and brings a unique connection between the Swiss military and civilians. The “Military Biscuit” has transcended its original military context to become a beloved treat for the general public, creating a shared experience that bridges the gap between the armed forces and everyday life. The regulated production and distribution under the Swiss Military brand not only maintain the authenticity of these cookies but also contribute to the national heritage, with the revenues from license fees supporting the federal treasury.

The collaboration between Armasuisse and Kambly SA also highlights the significance of preserving cultural and culinary legacies. As consumers savor the distinct flavor and heritage of the “Military Biscuit,” they become part of a story that goes beyond mere consumption. This final paragraph explores how such collaborations not only uphold the values of tradition but also foster a sense of national pride, as civilians partake in a culinary tradition with roots deep in the Swiss military history. In essence, the “Military Biscuit” becomes a symbol of continuity, connecting past and present, military and civilian, in the shared narrative of Swiss identity.

Commercialization of military brands

With the new license agreement, Armasuisse could further implement the commercialization of military brands, which the parliament also demanded. The 2012 motion 12.3667, “Registration of the Swiss Army, Swiss Military and Swiss Air Force Trademarks,” by the Security Policy Committee of the Council of States called on the Federal Council to better protect the military trademarks, enforce them against unauthorized third parties and license them. Previously, various companies had used the trademarks without surrendering royalties to the Confederation.

Since then, Armasuisse has concluded various license agreements, among others, with Swiss brands AG for the Swiss Military brand and other military brands for multiple categories of goods, with Hanowa AG and Chrono AG for the Swiss Military watches, and with Breitling AG for the Patrouille Suisse, again for watches. Also, there is a long-standing exclusive agreement with Victorinox for the Swiss Army.

This extensive portfolio of license agreements underscores the strategic vision of Armasuisse in cultivating partnerships that extend beyond traditional military realms. The subsequent paragraph delves into how these collaborations not only contribute to the diversification of products associated with the Swiss military but also serve as a testament to the enduring appeal and global recognition of Swiss craftsmanship. From timepieces with Hanowa AG and Chrono AG to iconic Swiss Army knives with Victorinox, each partnership reflects the Swiss commitment to precision, quality, and innovation, resonating across various sectors of consumer goods.

Final thoughts on the Swiss Military Brand and Kambly

  1. Kambly SA is now allowed to use the Swiss Military brand.
  2. The Swiss family-owned company has supplied the Swiss Army with traditional military cookies for many years.
  3. With the new license agreement, Armasuisse can further implement the commercialization of military brands, which is also demanded by parliament.

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