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International Family Day – The Backbone of Society

It’s so great that, besides Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, we have an international holiday to celebrate all family members and the importance of the family as the backbone of society. International Family Day is an excellent opportunity to remind ourselves that family as a unit is still the “framework” within which we function as humanity.

International Family Day - The Backbone of Society

Raising awareness

This holiday is held every year on the same date – May 15. Besides celebrating families and raising awareness about family problems around the globe, it’s also an important day for communities and cultures. The reason is the same. The family is the essence of any community, regardless of how small or big it is.

On this day, it’s super important to be thankful for having your own family and also, to acknowledge and emphasize with families that are experiencing difficulties, especially during these COVID-19 times. Therefore, days like this one are crucial to spread awareness about family issues worldwide.

Why is International Family Day so beneficial?

Besides raising awareness, there are plenty of other reasons why we should celebrate families.

The first one is, obviously, the reminder that family is the key element of society. Who knows what would have happened with each of us without the support of our families.


In our formative years, the family is still the number one guide throughout new cognitions about life. Also, in adulthood, you still get direct support directly from the members of your family.

Finally, since we’re all aware that not all families are perfect, you can also celebrate people in your life who you consider being your family – even if they’re not your blood relatives.

Strengthening communities

As we already stated, family is the backbone of community (and society in general). So, the logic is simple – by strengthening families, we’ll strengthen our communities as well. Support each of your family members to be the best version of themselves. When we all gather together as such, we can inevitably grow as communities/societies. And hence, create a better world for everyone.


Every family is unique

Celebrating all families on this day doesn’t mean that we should give up on the fact that every family is unique. We all have our physical and psychological differences, which is exactly what we need to nurture together! Let people be themselves and support them in growing as individuals and parts of families.

Uniqueness doesn’t divide – it connects people!

International Family Day at Swiss Made Direct

In the end, we wish you all to celebrate International Family Day with your loved ones. If you want to give a special gift to any of your family members, feel free to browse through our shop!

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