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Brand Hero Closes Lenzburg Jam Factory

The Aargau-based heritage company, brand Hero, has made the definitive decision to close its jam factory in Lenzburg. Although Hero had initially announced the plans in September, a consultation process with employees ensued. The Lenzburg facility is set to be shuttered by the end of 2024.

Despite the suggestions submitted by employees during the consultation process, no viable alternatives emerged, as stated in a Monday press release.


48 Brand Hero Employees Affected

Hero now reports that 48 employees will be affected by the closure, a decrease from the 55 initially mentioned in mid-September. The affected individuals will be supported by a “generous” social plan, according to the company.

While expressing regret over the closure, Hero asserts that it is a necessary step to ensure the “long-term competitiveness” of the company. Despite numerous efforts, the facility, inaugurated in 2011, never achieved sufficient capacity utilization. Compounding the issue, the consumption of jam in Switzerland has continued to decline.

Brand Hero emphasizes that even after the closure in Lenzburg, over half of all products sold in Switzerland will still be manufactured in the customs territory of Switzerland/Liechtenstein. Additionally, the group’s headquarters, with a total of 170 employees, will remain at the Lenzburg location.

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