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Berger Bell Foundry

Berger Bell Foundry Brand Overview logo swiss label png

Switzerland is a great country filled with scenic landscapes, and if you ever drive through the countryside, you would see cows grazing on the hills, all seemed to have a bell dangling around their necks. Bells is a Swiss tradition, very dear to its citizens. And to preserve and uphold this unique tradition, Bell Foundry Berger plays a crucial role. In fact, they were delivering Swissbells since 1730!

Bell Foundry Berger makes bells in different sizes, so you have the flexibility to choose from. And the brand keeps a sharp eye on the ingredients they use in order to offer superb quality. The Bell Foundry Berger uses the “Made in Switzerland” alloy, and they do all the creative art by hand. And there is more! For instance, the straps that hold the Swiss Appenzell bells come directly from Appenzell, while all others are 100% handmade in their factory.

Therefore, you can always rely on the absolute 100% authentic quality! Their replica of the famous Canino Bell (the original is in Vatican Museum) is a true piece of art. The same applies to Santa’s BellBerger Ship BellCow Fur Strap Bell, and all others in their collection.

Why choose Berger Bell Foundry ?

Besides its authenticity, the best quality, and handcraft, there are many other reasons why Berger is the best choice in the world in this niche. The brand is well aware of the current environmental situation like Swissmade Direct does. We take our initiative to reduce the carbon footprint, and Berger Bell Foundry fulfills its responsibilities.

For instance, the straps which are being used on their bells are made from leather. Therefore it is 100% biodegradable. The other components are made from metal. Hence, they can be recycled at any given point. That’s why Berger is a truly environmentally friendly brand that cares for the planet. Therefore, if you want a robust, stylish, and environment-friendly bell, these products will be the idlest choice for you.

Explore the amazing collection

Browse our shop and find the bell that suits your current needs. We will deliver the product right at your doorstep.

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