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About Favarger

Favarger brand overview

Switzerland is one of the first nations to have produced chocolate. Thanks to its wide number of creative pioneers such as Favarger. Favarger is a Swiss chocolate-making organization established by visionary Jacques Foulquier in 1826. It is located in Versoix, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland.

The organization has decades of experience in making chocolates loved by people throughout the world. The brand strives to deliver the most excellent experience to the consumers. Therefore, they incorporate and control strictly every part of the chocolate-making process. Everything gets checked thoroughly, from the selection to transportation of cocoa beans to the creation of original recipes.

Favarger has a long history of making chocolate. And from their first day, they dedicated themselves to not using any harmful ingredients such as palm oil, soy lecithin, or GMOs. And still today, they are following their decades-old practice of not using those ingredients to keep the consumer safe.

Today, Favarger is counted amongst the top chocolate makers in Switzerland as well as in the world. Entrepreneurialism, cunning experimentation & perfectionism is the reason behind the business’s tremendous growth and success.

Experience real Swissness

Now you can enjoy these delicious, creamiest, and mouthwatering Swiss chocolates with different flavors from your home, made by Favarger. And to get the best, get it from an authentic Swiss shop Swissmade Direct. We deliver products directly from suppliers to ensure you are getting the best product you deserve. So experience the real Swiss Favarger chocolate on the go at your convenience.

Get Favarger chocolate online

We are the leading and oldest authentic Swiss online shop selling only original Swiss-made products. How to get it? Order online, and you get the trackable, insured parcel delivered straight to your door, wherever you are in the world, directly from Switzerland—sent with flat-rate direct from Switzerland.

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