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Cannabis strains and various derivates with high CBD content are popular natural remedies to treat many common ailments. Historically, Cannabis products have been quite controversial. However, thanks to the latest development in this field, many countries have started to legalize these products for their positive effects. And our partnership with the Swiss brand CannaMed makes it really easier for everyone to get their hands on these life-changing products directly from Switzerland.

CannaMed is a member of the Swiss label; this means their products adhere to the highest quality standard and follows strict Swiss laws. Hence, you can be confident that the products you are getting have fantastic quality and serious benefits. The brand source very rare concentrates from certified & well-recognized suppliers from Switzerland & carry on business with reputed traders worldwide. The production occurs in compliance with the GACP guidelines, whereby the further steps in the value chain are under GMP standards.

Five proven benefits of Cannabinoids:

  1. CannaMed CBD product has the ability to reduce anxiety and it is perhaps the most significant reason it’s widely popular.
  2. Arthritis Pain is a common occurrence, especially in elderly people. So, to relieve them from this pain, many professional recommends Cannabinoids based solution for their effectiveness & fewer side effects.
  3. Cannabinoids are being used to treat Parkinson’s Disease. Though there’s still research going on this aspect, however, there is some fantastic progress in this field already, and researchers are continuously working on expanding the uses for much better results.
  4. In 2018, the FDA approved the use of CBD under the brand name Epidiolex. It is meant to treat seizures resulting from Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome—two rare forms of epilepsy—in patients.
  5. Treating gastrointestinal (GI) disorders with Cannabinoids are a very recent milestone. Studies have shown that cannabinoids are very practical in preventing and treating GI disorders.

The acceptance of Cannabinoid products is growing. So, to ensure that you are getting the most high-quality products, we have partnered with CannaMed. The brand has experience in working with medical cannabinoids and being a Swiss label, you can be sure that you will have a pleasant experience while you use these products.

Get CannaMed online

We are the leading and oldest authentic Swiss online shop selling only original Swiss-made products. Order CannaMed products and get the trackable, insured parcel delivered:

  • Straight to your door,
  • Wherever you are in the world,
  • Directly from Switzerland,
  • Available with a flat rate until 2kg and more.
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