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In Lenzburg, Switzerland, “Neeser & Rohr” was established in 1882 by F. Neeser and E. Rohr von Staufen, with the initial goal of producing prams and bridge wagons. They initially struggled to make a profit but managed to turn the business around by producing components in-house and reducing transportation costs. In 1889, R. Widmer joined the company as a partner after the death of Mr. Rohr, which led to a period of successful growth. Despite a fire that destroyed a company barn in 1898, “Neeser & Rohr” continued operations with the help of a competitor.

The company faced competition from other pram manufacturers but managed to stay competitive by signing a pricing agreement with them. In 1906, Mr. Neeser stepped down as senior boss, and his sons-in-law, A. Widmer, and G. Sandmeier joined the company as partners. “Neeser & Widmer” diversified its product offerings in the early 1900s by producing bicycles, baby carriages, and furniture. The company also began exporting products to other European countries and South America.

During World War I, the company had to deal with shortages of materials and labor, but managed to maintain its operations. After the war, the increased demand for their products allowed the company to capitalize on its success. The company modernized its operations by introducing new machinery and technology.

In the 1920s and 1930s, “Neeser & Widmer” faced increased competition from larger, more industrialized manufacturers. To stay competitive, the company continued to innovate and improve its products. “Neeser & Widmer” expanded its advertising efforts by participating in trade shows and creating promotional materials like brochures and catalogs.

During World War II, the company shifted its focus to producing goods for the war effort and was able to adapt to the challenges that arose during this time.

After the war, “Neeser & Widmer” continued to modernize and grow, introducing new products such as baby strollers and playpens. The company also expanded its reach by opening sales offices in several European countries.

In the 1960s and 1970s, “Neeser & Widmer” faced increased competition from larger international companies and had to respond by introducing new designs and features, such as adjustable handlebars and reclining seats.

Despite the challenges brought on by globalization and increased competition from low-cost producers, “Neeser & Widmer” remained a successful and well-regarded company in the industry for over a century by continuously evolving and innovating.

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