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Срећан вам Међународни дан пријатељства!

International Friendship Day is a day when friends and families celebrate their great relationships with each other. It was first celebrated in the UK in 1772. The main objective behind this celebration is to commemorate the friendly relationships that exist between a family and their friends.

The calendar date of International Friendship Day is 30th July. In history, it was an early Christmas holiday in England. However, in recent times, we have Celebrated It in July.

How do people celebrate International Friendship Day?

People from around the world celebrate Friendship Day in their own way. Usually, after a hearty meal, people welcome their friends and family members with flowers and gifts. After celebrating Friendship Day, the ceremony sometimes moves on even during the next week.

Међународни дан пријатељства

У ствари, управо тог истог датума 1874. године енглеска принцеза Диана запросила је енглеског краља Едварда ИВ у Цхаттерису. Рекла је да га воли и да жели да се уда за њега. Неколико дана касније, краљ Едвард јој је одобрио оно што се називало „пољупцем тровања“. Предлог венчања био је веома популаран у неколико земаља, укључујући Парагвај. Заправо, краљица Викторија позвала је Парагвај да са њом прослави Дан пријатељства на 16. годишњицу приступања енглеској круни.

Today, many people have turned social media platforms into places to celebrate National Friendship Day. The best way to get to know people from other parts of the world is through social media websites. Two of the most popular social media platforms are Facebook and Instagram, of course. People share photos with their friends and happy memories they have had together throughout the years.

If you want to make new friends online on this day, you can use Twellow Find Out and Friendfinder. These three websites allow users to search for friends within their area. Once you have found your friend, you can message them to celebrate Friendship Day.

дан пријатељства

On the other hand, if you’re more for “live” friendship, there are plenty of options. You can host a lunch party, spend a whole day in the local park with your friends, or go on a road trip, for example.

Како ћеш славити овогодишњи Дан пријатељства? Да ли више волите дружење „уживо“ или онлине авантуру?

Whatever your option for this year, we wish you a memorable Friendship Day!

If you wish to give your friend a valuable, quality gift this year, browse through наша радња. Гарантујемо да ћете пронаћи нешто што ваш пријатељ једноставно обожава!

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