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Prepare yourselves for traveling, hiking, and picnics with the Swiss Army Rucksack! It is very stable, waterproof, and comfortable to wear.

SKU SMTSArExlucRucks 产品类别 品牌:


重量 6 kg
尺寸 1 1××1厘米

44 cm x 34 cm x 25 cm

Swiss Army Rucksack Overview

The Swiss Army Rucksack is made of an old army wool blanket. Making it dimensionally stable and waterproof. The Army backpack is about 44 cm high 34 cm wide, and about 25 cm deep. You can close it by using a drawstring, two stoppers, and an overlying lid with lockable adjustable and robust clip closures.

From the outside, the Swiss Army Rucksack has an inner compartment at the front, accessible through a 22 cm-long zipper. The compartment design is very generous. In the interior, there are still various internal pockets.

肩带系统符合人体工程学,并填充有柔软的材料,使更大的负载佩戴起来更舒适。 立管本身是可调节的,它还有一个横向胸带,也很灵活。 它还有两个带衬垫的塞子,可在背面提供防滑性。 此外,它们还为安全远足或旅行提供必要的支持。 最后,军用背包还有一个舒适的背带,可以将背包放在背带系统顶部的任何地方。

Explore the benefits of the Swiss Army rucksack

The Swiss army backpack is lightweight, simple, and spacious. Its design allows users to pack essential accessories while keeping their hands free. These features make the backpack extremely popular for short—or long-term trips. Let’s look at some of its benefits to better understand the effectiveness of the Swiss army backpack.

1. Spacious – The Swiss Army Rucksack is designed to fit multiple accessories. This means you may keep your belongings safely and in one place. And you can easily access any of them whenever you need them.

数百名瑞士军队背包用户一致认为,这些背包让他们的生活更轻松。 因此,如果您的首要任务是轻松取放随身物品,那么瑞士背包就是您需要的最佳包袋款式。

2. Comfortable transport The army backpack is more pleasant to carry than an ordinary backpack. No matter how long or far you have the backpack, you won’t feel uncomfortable due to its high-end materials.

您可以在随身携带物品的同时享受免提体验,并且可以在方便时四处走动。 最好的部分是您的物品在自由探索世界的同时保持安全!

3. 多用途 – A conventional backpack can only carry a few small personal items. But the Swiss army backpack is helpful because it is designed to be served numerous purposes. You may use this backpack to carry schoolbooks, food, supplies, climbing equipment, computer peripherals, and so much more.


“瑞士制造”是绝对质量和标准的标志。 顾名思义,军用背包是由瑞士品牌在瑞士制造的。 因此,您始终可以期待最好的质量,因为它符合现有的高质量标准。

Get Swiss Army Rucksack online

拥有正宗瑞士产品的瑞士平台是唯一能体现“瑞士制造”差异的平台。 “Swiss Label”的官方国际代表。

我们是领先且历史最悠久的正宗瑞士在线商店,仅销售原装瑞士制造产品。 订购最好的产品并获得可追踪的保险包裹:

  • 直接上门,
  • 无论您身在何处,
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  • 以统一价格提供,直到 2 公斤及以上。


小计: $350.00