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Rivella Sabugueiro Original 500ml

Rivella Elderflower Original is one of the most refined soft drinks. All-natural ingredients provide the most unique soft drink experience.

SKU SMTRivellaElderflowOriginal500ml Categoria marca:



Peso 0.650 kg

Água, soro de leite, açúcar, ácido carbônico, ácido (L (+) - ácido láctico), açúcar caramelizado, aromas naturais.

Rivella elderflower original Overview

Rivella Elderflower Original is a true soft drink experience. The surprising combination of Rivella and elderflower aromas brings even more variety into your everyday life.

This unique refreshing drink contains ingredients of natural origin. Also, there are no colorings or preservatives – all flavors are natural. Therefore, if you care about the quality of your soft drink, Rivella Elderflower Original is the way to go.

Sure, we all love Rivella classic taste, but the elderflower version is pretty unique. It refreshes and revives people in such an original way. To truly understand what we’re saying, you’ll have to try it! You won’t regret making such a decision.

Rivella history

Rivella é o refrigerante mais famoso da Suíça e esta marca está conosco desde 1952. Com seu sabor único, o refrigerante suíço traz refresco e simboliza o estilo de vida ativo da Suíça. Essa história de sucesso começa em 1950, quando Robert Barth desenvolve o Rivella original. Ele criou uma receita única usando soro de leite e uma mistura secreta de extratos de ervas e frutas. Então, em 1952, ele introduziu a bebida na Suíça, e ela imediatamente se tornou um sucesso!

Milk whey and Rivella Elderflower Original

In the heart of the Rivella drink is milk whey. This flavor-neutral liquid contains minerals, trace elements, vitamins, and milk sugars. Anyways, depending on the variety, Rivella drinks contain 25-35% of it.

The unmistakable taste, however, lies in the unchanged mixture of natural fruit and herbal extracts. The recipe is strictly secret, and only a few people in the company know it. Whenever possible, the company obtains materials exclusively from the domestic market. All products are manufactured in Switzerland without any added artificial preservatives or flavorings.

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